I have been digitizing all my film negatives going back over forty years (30,000 plus and still counting). Any that ‘tickle my fancy’ I will put here…
A print of this was part of an exhibition a group of us photographers had in CapeTown in 1975.
Took this in a park here in Wandsworth in 1998
Taken just after everything went weird in the UK…
Took this in California - I liked the symmetry…
I spend a lot of time wandering around taking pictures. This one is from Finchley in London. I guess you could call it a self portrait…
I took this on a farm out in the middle of nowhere way back in 1976.
Another one that is a consequence of wandering around.
A portrait of a friend, taken in 1974. Back then he was one of South Africa’s top rock guitarists. Now he is one of America’s top Endocrinologists…
This series was taken in my studio in 1974 - years before photoshop was even thought of. Back then you had to take all the photographs on the wall, make big prints of them, stick them on the wall then take these photographs. Ah, those were the days…